Keymacro Windows System Control Center is a full-featured Keymapping tool that lets you remap any key of your choice to any command or keymapping of your choice.
KEYMACRO can be used to map any key on your keyboard to any of the following functions:
--Open any program or document
--Open any file in any application
--Open a URL
--Open a folder in explorer
--Jump to a bookmark or the next/previous tab
--Jump to a Search result
--Open a command prompt
--Run a batch file
--Open a cmd prompt
--Run a command in the command prompt
--Open a web browser
--Open an url in the web browser
--Open a file in the web browser
--Open a file in the operating system file manager
--Jump to a folder/folder in explorer
--Open or run a.bat file
--Jump to the web search page
--Jump to a folder on the web
--Jump to the beginning of a text file
--Jump to the beginning of a line in a text file
--Jump to the end of a line in a text file
--Go to the beginning of the file
--Go to the beginning of a web page
--Go to the end of the file
--Jump to the end of a file
--Open the file list of a program
--Jump to the beginning of a file
--Jump to the beginning of a line in a file
--Jump to the end of a file
--Open the search window of a program
--Jump to the beginning of a web page
--Jump to the end of a web page
--Open the file list of the web browser
--Go to the beginning of a web page
--Go to the end of a web page
--Open the explorer window
--Go to the beginning of the file list of the operating system file manager
--Jump to the beginning of a file in the file list of the operating system file manager
--Jump to the beginning of a web page in the file list of the operating system file manager
--Jump to the end of a web page in the file list of the operating system file manager
--Jump to the end of a web page in the file list of the operating system file manager
--Jump to the end of a file in the file list of the operating system file manager
--Jump to the beginning of a line in a file in the file list of a77f14ba26 gillwali ... LE/profile ... ne/profile ... ah/profile ... ah/profile ... RK/profile